
Surviving your first year: a beginner’s guide to teaching

Ah, the first year of teaching! It’s a time packed with a concoction of emotions – excitement, anticipation, a pinch of fear, and a heap of hope…

Let’s be real here, folks. It’s the first time you’re entrusted with the gargantuan task of molding young minds, and there’s no manual to it. It’s like being handed the keys to a spaceship without being taught how to drive a car first.

Frightening? A bit. Exhilarating? You bet!

But fear not. This blog post is, in essence, the survival kit I wish I had during my first year. So, buckle up and get ready to delve into the wonderful world of your first year of teaching. Let’s navigate this uncharted territory together, and I assure you, it’s going to be a thrilling ride!

Building relationships and setting the tone

Before we dive deep into the academic aspects of teaching, let’s take a moment to acknowledge that a classroom is more than just a space for imparting knowledge.

It’s a tiny universe buzzing with unique personalities, dreams, fears, and quirks. You’re not just a teacher – you’re a mentor, a guide, a safe harbor in the storm, a pseudo-parent, a friend… I know, it sounds daunting, but bear with me here…

The first crucial step to successful teaching lies in establishing strong, respectful, and positive relationships with your students. These relationships will help you understand their motivations, interests, strengths, and areas that need a little nudge.

But how do you build these relationships? Start by creating an inclusive, welcoming, and safe classroom environment. Make it clear that every student, no matter their background, is valued and belongs in your classroom. Get to know your students – their names, their interests, their aspirations. Genuine interest goes a long way, trust me!

Along with building relationships, you also need to set the tone. From day one, clearly define and communicate your expectations, rules, and consequences. Kids are smart cookies – they will push boundaries, test limits. It’s their way of understanding the world around them. So, provide those boundaries, but also ensure that your classroom rules are fair and consistently applied.

Remember, a structured environment doesn’t mean rigid or strict. Think of it as a loving structure – firm but understanding, clear but compassionate. Shaping young minds requires a delicate balance of discipline and warmth!

Lesson planning

Alright, folks, let’s dive into the nuts and bolts of teaching: lesson planning. “Ah! It sounds so tedious and boring!”, I hear you groan. Well, let me tell you something: this is where the real magic happens!

Think of it this way – planning is to teaching what a blueprint is to architecture. Without a good blueprint, you’ll end up with a wobbly, mishmash of a building that could collapse at any moment. But with a solid blueprint, you can create a towering skyscraper, a cozy cottage, a majestic castle… You see what I’m getting at, right?

Let me assure you, lesson planning is not about killing spontaneity or creativity – far from it! It’s about having a vision, a path to follow, but it’s also about being ready to take detours and explore uncharted territories!

A well-planned lesson helps you stay organized, make sure you cover all the necessary material, and manage your time effectively. Remember, time is a precious resource in a classroom, and planning helps you use it wisely!

When you start to plan, begin with the end in mind. What do you want your students to learn at the end of the lesson? Once you’ve nailed that down, you can build your activities, examples, discussions, and assignments around it.

And let’s not forget about the different learning styles! Not all students learn the same way. Some learn by seeing, others by hearing, yet others by doing. So, make sure your lesson plans cater to these different styles. Mix it up with videos, group discussions, hands-on activities, role-plays… keep it engaging, keep it fun!

Again, remember that lesson plan is just a guide, an anchor. It’s not set in stone. Don’t stress out when things don’t go exactly the way you envisioned. Stay flexible, be open to changes, and most importantly, be open to learning from your students.

P.S: Hindari kesalahan ini saat membuat rencana pembelajaran

Classroom management

Alright folks, let’s get down to brass tacks. After all, you’re not just playing the role of an educator, but also of a manager, director, and sometimes even a peacekeeper in your classroom. Yep, welcome to the world of classroom management!

“But I’m a teacher, not a manager,” you might be thinking. Well, surprise, surprise! Teaching and managing aren’t two separate entities, they’re two sides of the same coin. And trust me when I say, mastering classroom management can make your teaching experience a whole lot smoother and more enjoyable. So, where do we start?

First and foremost, remember that a well-managed classroom isn’t about control, but about creating a conducive environment for learning. It’s about establishing a place where your students feel safe, respected, and motivated to learn. It’s about setting the stage for success, for each and every one of your students.

Set clear and reasonable rules right from the get-go, but make sure they’re not just your rules. Involve your students in the rule-making process. Make them feel like they’re a part of the team, that their voices matter. This not only gives them a sense of ownership, but also increases their commitment to adhere to these rules.

Be consistent with your expectations and consequences. If a rule is broken, follow through with the agreed-upon consequence, irrespective of who the student is. Fairness and consistency are key to building respect and trust in your classroom.

Always keep an eye on the pulse of your classroom. Be aware of what’s happening, who’s engaged, who’s struggling, who’s causing disruptions. Nip any issues in the bud before they snowball into bigger problems.

Last but not least, make your classroom a fun place to be. Yes, rules and discipline are important, but so is enjoyment. Include games, group activities, creative assignments – anything that makes learning interactive and enjoyable. Remember, when students enjoy what they’re doing, they’re more likely to stay engaged and motivated!

You can discover handy tips for classroom management here!

Building a support network

Well, guess what? Teaching isn’t a solitary expedition. Sure, you’re the one in the driver’s seat, but that doesn’t mean you’ve to navigate the terrain alone. You’ve got a whole team backing you up – fellow teachers, school administration, parents, and even your students. So, why not make the best use of this support network?

First up, your colleagues. These folks are your comrades-in-arms, your partners in this educational journey. They’re your first port of call when you need advice, assistance, or even a shoulder to lean on. Whether it’s about lesson planning, classroom management, or dealing with that one tough cookie in your class, your fellow teachers can offer invaluable insights and advice. So, don’t hesitate to seek their help!

Next, your school administration. They’re not just there to ensure the smooth running of the school, but also to support you in your teaching endeavors. They can provide you with the resources you need, help you resolve issues, and guide you in your professional development. So, don’t view them as the ‘higher-ups’, but as allies who are there to help you succeed.

Parents, too, are an important part of your support network. They’re partners in their children’s education. Keep them in the loop, involve them in their kids’ learning process, seek their cooperation in addressing any issues. A strong teacher-parent partnership can work wonders in enhancing a child’s learning experience.

Lastly, but most importantly, your students. Yes, they’re the ones you’re teaching, but they can also teach you a lot – about patience, about creativity, about resilience. Listen to their feedback, understand their needs, respect their viewpoints. Building a positive teacher-student relationship can greatly enhance your teaching effectiveness and job satisfaction!

The joys and challenges of the first year

Teaching is far from a walk in the park. In fact, let’s liken it to a roller coaster ride – there are going to be thrilling highs and a few heart-stopping dips. But the beauty is, just like a roller coaster ride, it’s exhilarating, rewarding, and one heck of an experience!

  • The highs: touching lives and shaping futures

Ah, the joys of teaching! It’s not just about academics, it’s about inspiring curiosity, nurturing dreams, igniting passion, and shaping futures. When you see that lightbulb moment in a student’s eyes, when a concept suddenly clicks, when curiosity sparks a flurry of questions – it’s a feeling of accomplishment like no other!

And then there are the connections you’ll forge – with students who’ll see you as a mentor, with colleagues who’ll become your support system, with parents who’ll appreciate your hard work. The bonds, the camaraderie, the mutual respect, the shared joy of seeing a student succeed – these are the relationships that enrich your teaching journey.

Lastly, let’s not forget about personal growth. As you navigate your first year of teaching, you’ll discover strengths you never knew you had!

  • The lows: challenges galore

Now, let’s talk about the lows, the challenges that are as much a part of your first year as the joys. Workload, my friends, is a biggie. Lesson planning, grading, meetings, parent-teacher conferences – it can seem overwhelming at times. But worry not, time management and organization are your allies in this battle.

The diversity of your students will pose another challenge. Catering to different learning styles and paces, addressing individual needs – it can be a juggling act. But with strategies like differentiation and personalized attention, you can ensure every student gets the support they need.

And then there are the occasional roadblocks – managing classroom behavior, helping struggling students, bridging communication gaps with parents. But remember, every challenge is a learning opportunity, a chance to become a better educator.


The first year of teaching, my friends, is like a winding road – full of ups and downs, wonders and obstacles. But remember, the downs are merely stepping stones to becoming a better educator. Embrace them, learn from them, and let them guide your journey. And the ups – enjoy them, celebrate them, let them motivate and inspire you. After all, despite its challenges, teaching is an immensely rewarding journey, a chance to shape minds and change lives!

Ready? Set? Teach!

Next steps

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IELC Academic Director