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4.9 Stars - Based on 869 User Reviews

Tempat belajar bahasa Inggris yang sangat rekomen. Banyak program yang bisa diambil sesuai kebutuhan. Staff nya sangat ramah dan helpful. Fasilitas serta lingkungan belajarnya sangat lengkap dan nyaman. Worth to try!
Farah Nadira Avatar
Farah Nadira
A wonderful place to study English, not just in skills, but especially in confidence. With great ambience and wonderful learning environment, complimented by the best English teaching team, IELC is a wonderful institution for Indonesian learners of all ages to build up and hone further their English skills.
Hafizh Gozali Avatar
Hafizh Gozali
Tempat belajar bahasa inggris yg menyenangkan untuk anak2 didampingi guru2 yg kompeten, ramah, dan sabar dengan metode pembelajaran yang tdk membosankan dengan adanya games atau pun grup2 diskusi. Ditambah lagi dengan gedung yang sangat nyaman untuk anak2 belajar dan tempat menunggu yang nyaman juga untuk orangtua…dan ada mushollanya yg sangat nyaman juga😊
Ummu Naifa Avatar
Ummu Naifa
Tempat lesnya bagus, menyenangkan, hommy place n comfy. Area parkirnya juga luas, jd antar jemput juga lebih mudah. CS nya baik dan ramah, menjelaskan program juga terarah. Guru2nya juga fun saat mengajar. Happy les Inggris disini. Tq IELC
Nisye Kusumawati Avatar
Nisye Kusumawati
A very trusted IELTS preparation course. I got a lot of tips and lessons for facing the IELTS test which I will use to study abroad
Ardiansyah Pratama Avatar
Ardiansyah Pratama
IELC help me with my speaking and reading, the teachers were helpfull and fun, i choose ielc because its good and near by my house so i dont need to go for a long distance to study english
Adna nunoho Avatar
Adna nunoho
Alhamdulillah anak sy enjoy banget les disini. Sepulang les selalu bercerita belajar di IELC suasananya menyenangkan, teacher, miss disana dan teman-teman ramah, ada wahana games n ruangan yang luas juga sehingga leluasa dan nyaman berada di IELC. Great IELC
ivanne tri hendriati Avatar
ivanne tri hendriati
I've been taking courses on IELC since I was in kindergarten. After I took my IELTS prep in here, I reached my target score.
stellaa Avatar
Tempat les yg homey,teacher nya komunikatif,,anak saya nyaman,,makin tambah kosa kata bhs inggris nya
s Sumiyati Avatar
s Sumiyati
Belajar di sini itu asik ya. Kita bisa milih kelas sesuai kebutuhan, sesuai sifat kita, karena aku sendiri ngga suka yang kelas private. Tutornya seru, lebih ngerasa ngomong ke temen. Belajarnya dari awal, lama-lama bertahap jadi makin sulit dan asik. Modulnya bagus. Di setiap beberapa kali pertemuan ada tes untuk memantau perkembangan.
Bella Anjelika Meldiana Avatar
Bella Anjelika Meldiana
Sangat puas ikut kursus Inggris di IELC anak semakin semangat belajar bahasa inggris, karena di IELC bukan cuma belajar bahasa Inggris tp sambil bermain.
Ajeng Putri Avatar
Ajeng Putri
It's such both a comfortable place and a supportive vibes we've seen so far. And thank you for allowing our son to experience all and top of it for improving his English.
Imanuel Gigih Avatar
Imanuel Gigih
seru bgt belajar di ielc teacher nya ramah" temen nya seru semua belajar bahasa inggris nya jadi menyenangkan
Noorindria Mayrien Avatar
Noorindria Mayrien
IELC really helped me on preparing for my IELTS test! i can feel and see that i've improved a lot and the teachers here are really encouraging! even the staff too are very helpful. thank you so much for keeping up with me!
Manda Listu Avatar
Manda Listu
IElC has improved my IELTS score and help me to achieve my IELTS target, beside IELTS course there are also some other courses too.
Theone Christian Avatar
Theone Christian
Staff pengajar ataupun admin nya ramah semua, setelah diskusi perihal anak selalu dapat gimmick, terus ditingkatkan dan dijaga point' baiknya, semoga selalu sukses IELC 🙏
Shintia Legasari Avatar
Shintia Legasari
Kursus English IELC itu fun untuk anak dan enjoy banget, modulnya bagus. Tutor nya asyik, Disetiap beberapa kali pertemuan ada tes untuk memantau perkembangan. Sukses selalu untuk IELC dan terima kasih.
Ria Sofa Avatar
Ria Sofa
the place is comfortable, clean and eco friendly The staff is friendly, informative and the teachers are fun..
MS Ardani Avatar
MS Ardani
The teachers are friendly, the facilities are very complete, comfortable I want to go back there✨😍
salsabila Amilia Avatar
salsabila Amilia
It's a nice place to learn English. It provides nice service. There are group classes, private, and exam prep like TOEFL and IELTS.
Felicitas Alfi Avatar
Felicitas Alfi
Fun place to study English 👍, highly recommended and have lots of fun teacher....also have interactive and fun games
Macy 2344M Avatar
Macy 2344M
Tempatnya keren saya bisa belajar dengan fokus dan beberapa teman-teman saya sangat seru karena bisa diajak bercanda dan saya sangat suka pembelajaran di ielc karena banyak game dan materi sangat gampang dihafalkan😍🙏
Michael Trystan Avatar
Michael Trystan
Tempat course bahasa inggris yang berkualitas di Solo, baik dari segi pelayanan, cara mengajar, maupun fasilitasnya ✨
Arya Karisma Avatar
Arya Karisma
it's a great place to learn English, with friendly teachers, and a helpful system for getting private classes✨
Roza Juwitasari Avatar
Roza Juwitasari
This English campus is a really good one. I am happy to be a part of it. Thank you to IELC.
Ofan Rowa Avatar
Ofan Rowa
sebelumnya masih bingung tentang grammar dan blm percaya diri buat ngomong pakai bahasa inggris, tapi setelah les di ielc saya merasa banyak terbantu, lebih percaya diri dan meningkatkan skill berbahasa inggris.
nimas alit Avatar
nimas alit
The teachers here are very friendly and helpfull, and they gave me very great tips on my IELTS preparation
Peony Tjandra Avatar
Peony Tjandra
My study experience in IELC was very great. I have been studying in here since I was in primary school until now i took the IELTS Test in here too. The teachers are very nice and also I can socialize with more new friends in here. I also enjoy studying here because it was so much fun, we can also play lots of games in here too.
Aveline Kristie Avatar
Aveline Kristie
Selama les bahasa Inggris di IELC anak saya merasa nyaman, happy dan lebih percaya diri. Terima kasih IELC
Renny Amellia Avatar
Renny Amellia
Tempat les bahasa Inggris yang nyaman banget, suasana yang bikin betah buat anak anak belajar dan teacher2 nya ramah dan super membantu perkembangan anak dalam mengembangkan bahasa Inggrisnya. Pokoknya sipp. Semoga tambah sukses ielc
Ratih Ds Avatar
Ratih Ds
the quality of the studying materials, teachers, and location is outstanding. I hape my son learnt so much and im happy because he is now ready for the EILTS test
Mery Lesandri Avatar
Mery Lesandri
The environment and ambience are fun. The building is artistic. My children are regularly monitored for the development of their English skills and parents receive reports regarding this. Communication with the teachers is also easy and quite informative. Scr outline is really good, if it can be maintained the quality will even be better in the future
Luky krismyandari Avatar
Luky krismyandari
After I get a course in IELC, I feel more confident to take the english test. I know how to answer the question and to breakdown the sentence
Fauzan M Iqbal Avatar
Fauzan M Iqbal
Environment, ambience-nya asyik. Bangunannya artistik. Anak2 saya dipantau scr berkala perkembangan kemampuan English-nya dan ortu mendapat laporan mengenai itu. Komunikasi dgn para teacher juga mudah dan cukup informatif. Scr garis besar oke banget, kalau bisa dipertahankan kualitasnya bahkan lebih baik lagi di masa depan
Luky krismyandari Avatar
Luky krismyandari
IELC is a fun place to learn, share and increase knowledge. I really enjoyed studying there!
Aulia Syauqina Avatar
Aulia Syauqina
One of my best decision in 2023 to send my daughter to study English at IELC. She's getting improved! The vocab & confidence as well. Thank you IELC!
aan ismiyana Avatar
aan ismiyana
IELC is a great English course which suitable for my son. His grammar and vocabulary has improved so much, and so his pronounciation as well. I look forward for him to learn more.
Yulia Wulandari Avatar
Yulia Wulandari
There're many good teachers in IELC. I've proved that taking Toefl prep course in IELC has improved my toefl score
Wahyu Susanto Avatar
Wahyu Susanto
Before i went to ielc i was really in the dark on what to do to get my ielts score improved Ielc helped me to reach my goals and beyond with a really great and hospitable services and teachers. In the end i got my desired score. Thank you so much ielc
Ri Ri Hime Avatar
Ri Ri Hime
Saya mempercayakan anak saya les bhs Inggris di IELC . IELC dg Pelayanan ramah (CS & teacher). Sarana prasarana lengkap, tempat nyaman, anak happy ,selalu semangat belajar....
Nanik Subekti Avatar
Nanik Subekti