
Inclusive educations: 8 tips to make your lessons ADHD friendly

Welcome, teachers and educators!

We’ve all had those moments in the classroom where connecting with every student feels like a jigsaw puzzle, each piece requiring a different approach.

And if you have students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the puzzle can seem even more intricate. But guess what? It doesn’t have to be a daunting task!

Making your lessons ADHD-friendly is about embracing diversity, understanding individual needs, and creating a learning environment where everyone feels included.

No unrealistic promises or sugar-coating here, just real, practical strategies that work. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee, and let’s dive into some actionable tips that can turn your classroom into a place where every student, regardless of their learning style, has the opportunity to shine!

1. Break tasks into smaller parts 

We all know that feeling of staring at a daunting task, unsure where to begin.

This feeling can be even more pronounced for students with ADHD, where focusing on complex tasks may feel like an insurmountable challenge.

That’s why breaking down assignments into smaller, digestible parts can be so effective!

This approach, known as “chunking,” has been supported by cognitive psychologists and ADHD specialists like Dr. Russell Barkley. By dividing tasks into manageable steps, students can focus on one aspect at a time, enhancing both comprehension and retention.

In the classroom, this might look like providing clear, step-by-step instructions for a multifaceted assignment. Incorporate visual aids, timers, or checklists to guide students through each phase, offering encouragement along the way.

Remember, it’s not about reducing complexity but restructuring the learning experience. By doing so, you make the content accessible and engaging, fostering a positive and productive learning environment that benefits all students, not just those with ADHD.

2. Use visual aids

In the classroom, we often deal with abstract concepts, complex ideas, and multifaceted processes. These can be particularly challenging for students with ADHD, who may struggle to organize their thoughts or connect abstract ideas with real-world applications.

That’s where visual aids come into play. By incorporating charts, diagrams, or graphic organizers, we can provide a tangible context to abstract concepts. It’s like translating a complex language into a form that’s easier to understand.

But it’s not just about simplifying; it’s about enriching the learning experience. Visual aids act as anchor points, helping students to visualize relationships, structure, and the ‘big picture’ of what they’re learning.

Consider a history lesson on the causes of World War I. A timeline can turn a series of disconnected events into a coherent narrative, showing how one event led to another. A chart can organize the various alliances and rivalries between nations, turning a jumble of names and dates into a clear map of relationships.

Visual aids can also foster creativity and engagement. A graphic organizer can be a playground for thoughts, allowing students to explore ideas, make connections, and see the content from different angles. It’s a tool that empowers students to take ownership of their learning.

3. Provide regular breaks

Let’s take a moment to think about the importance of pausing. In our fast-paced lives, we sometimes forget to slow down and take a breath. In a classroom setting, especially for students with ADHD, this practice can be even more essential.

Students with ADHD often grapple with maintaining focus for extended periods. Their minds might drift, or they may become restless or overwhelmed. That’s why it’s not just a good idea but a necessity to incorporate regular short breaks into the lesson plan. These breaks are not interruptions but rather essential components that can make the learning process more engaging, manageable, and effective.

Physical breaks, such as a brief stretch or a walk around the classroom, can energize and refresh. They act like a reset button, allowing students to shake off any restlessness and come back to the task with renewed vigor.

Mental breaks can also be powerful. Offering a moment to doodle, meditate, or engage in a quick and enjoyable brain teaser can foster creativity and relaxation. It’s a way to clear the mind and make room for new insights.

It’s vital to recognize that these breaks aren’t about ‘wasting time’ or diverting from the lesson. Instead, they are strategic pauses, built with purpose and intention. They recognize the individual needs of the students and embrace the understanding that learning isn’t a sprint but a marathon. It’s about quality, not just quantity.

4. Incorporate movements

We often associate classrooms with stillness – students seated at their desks, diligently working on assignments. But what if we shook things up a bit? What if we recognized that learning is not merely a mental exercise but a whole-body experience? What if we made movement not an exception but an integral part of the learning process?

For students with ADHD, this approach isn’t merely a novelty; it’s a necessity. Physical activity, even in small doses, can help regulate attention and energy levels. Here are some ways you can incorporate movements in the classroom:

  • Kinesthetic learning activities: Design tasks that involve physical manipulation or exploration. Whether it’s building a model, conducting a hands-on experiment, or using body movements to represent a concept – these activities make learning tangible and engaging.
  • Active transitions: Use movement as a bridge between different parts of the lesson. A quick stretch, a standing discussion, or a brief dance to a favorite tune can make transitions lively and refreshing.
  • Flexible seating options: Allow students to choose where and how they sit. Sometimes, a change in posture or location can make all the difference in comfort and concentration.
  • Incorporate play: Games and playful activities that require movement can turn learning into an enjoyable adventure.

5. Provide clear and consistent instruction

In the bustling world of a classroom, clarity can be the anchor that keeps students connected and on track. This is especially true for students with ADHD, who may find it challenging to follow complex or rapidly delivered instructions. Clear, consistent, and compassionate communication can make all the difference.

Use straightforward language and avoid overloading instructions with too many details at once. Break it down into smaller, digestible parts. Don’t hesitate to repeat key instructions or ask students to repeat them back to you. Repetition ensures understanding and helps reinforce the task at hand. 

Consistency in routines provides a comforting structure for students. Regular patterns and expectations help them flow more smoothly through the day. Sometimes, a concrete example or gentle guidance through the initial steps can illuminate the path more clearly than words alone.

The classroom should be a place where asking questions is encouraged and celebrated. Ensure students know that no question is too small and that you’re there to help. Regular check-ins, especially with more complex tasks, can be beneficial. A prompt or clarification can steer them back on track if they begin to wander.

6. Provide immediate feedback

Immediate feedback bridges the gap between effort and understanding, between action and appreciation. When a student with ADHD attempts a task, they might feel like they’re navigating a maze. Immediate feedback acts like a guiding hand, showing them when they’re on the right track and offering encouragement when they veer off course.

It’s not just about saying ‘well done’ or ‘good job’ — although those words can be powerful in their right. It’s about pinpointing what was done well, what was correct, and why it was right. Specific praise offers a clear picture of success, building a bridge between the present effort and future achievement.

But let’s be clear; feedback is not about showering students with unwarranted praise. It must be genuine, related to their effort, strategy, persistence, or some other controllable attribute. It’s the connective tissue that links hard work to achievement.

Moreover, feedback needs to be constructive. If a student with ADHD makes an error, immediate feedback offers a golden opportunity to correct it there and then. Gentle correction, paired with encouragement and guidance, helps them to see mistakes as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks.

7. Use technology thoughtfully 

In the modern classroom, technology offers a vibrant palette to engage students, especially those with ADHD. From interactive games to multimedia presentations, technology can turn abstract concepts into tangible realities, making learning more accessible and engaging.

However, the key to success lies in a balanced approach. While technology can captivate, it can also distract, especially for students with ADHD. The shiny allure of gadgets and apps might overshadow the core learning objectives if not used thoughtfully.

For educators, the challenge is to harness technology’s power without letting it become overwhelming. Selecting the right tools that align with learning goals, and using them to enrich rather than eclipse the lesson, is essential. The teacher’s role transforms into guiding students through a digital landscape, ensuring engagement without distraction.

8. Teach self-monitoring skills

Teaching self-monitoring skills to students, especially those with ADHD, can feel like a challenging task, but it’s one that comes with great rewards. It’s about helping students recognize their own habits and learning styles and equipping them with tools to succeed both in the classroom and in life. And don’t worry, it’s not as complex as it may sound!

Start by helping the student identify when they might be losing focus or becoming restless. Simple cues like fidgeting, daydreaming, or looking away from the task can be signs. Next, work with them to develop strategies they can use when they notice these cues. For instance:

  • Set goals: Encourage them to set short-term goals and track their progress.
  • Use timers: They can set a timer for focused work periods and reward themselves with a short break.
  • Create a checklist: Writing down and visualizing tasks can make them more manageable.
  • Encourage reflection: Regularly ask them to reflect on what’s working and what isn’t.

Remember, every child is unique, so these strategies might need to be tailored to each individual. It’s all about open communication, patience, and celebrating the small victories along the way.

Self-monitoring isn’t about policing behavior; it’s about empowering students to be in charge of their learning experience. By embracing this approach, you’re not just aiding their academic progress, but you’re also giving them lifelong skills that foster independence, resilience, and self-awareness!


Embracing an ADHD-friendly approach in the classroom doesn’t just benefit those with ADHD; it creates a more dynamic, engaging, and empathetic learning environment for everyone. These strategies we’ve explored together are not rigid rules but adaptable ideas that can be tailored to fit the unique needs of each individual student.

From breaking tasks into smaller parts to teaching self-monitoring skills, the essence of these techniques lies in the human connections we forge with our students. It’s all about meeting them where they are and helping them find their path to success.

But remember, every student is unique, and what works best for one may not work for another. Don’t hesitate to adapt these strategies, try new ones, or even ask the students themselves what might help. After all, they are the experts in their own experience!

Thank you for taking the time to explore these ideas with me. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting, your commitment to inclusivity shines through!

We’re all in this together, happy teaching!

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