IELTS On Campus Course Student and Teacher

10 ways to develop great conversation skills in English

Want to immerse yourself in English or American culture?

Want to speak like a native?

Then, you have to master conversational English!

Wait, what is conversational English?

Simply put, conversational English is the informal way of speaking English. In other words, conversational English is what native speakers use in their day to day life.

For most English learners, the end goal is to achieve fluency. However, in order to do so, it is important to understand both formal and informal English. But, you will probably use informal English more often. Formal English is only used in academic and work settings, and even then, you might find yourself using informal English with your professor or colleagues.

So what are the best ways to improve my conversational English?

Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll share some tips on how to improve your conversational English. If you follow these tips, you’ll be speaking like a native in no time!

1. Find a conversation/chatting buddy

This is by far the number one way to fast track your fluency in conversational English. Although it’s better to find someone you can actually speak with, a chatting buddy is just as good. Through chatting, you can come across English slang that a lot of native English speakers use. Don’t worry if at first you don’t understand most of the slang. You’d be surprised at how quickly you’ll be able to understand their meaning.

You can find speaking or chatting buddies on public forums or chatting apps like discord. You’d undoubtedly be able to find someone who shares your interests.

2. Train yourself to think in English

It might be difficult at first, but the more you’re used to thinking in English, the more natural it will feel. Eventually, you’ll no longer have to translate words in your mind. And if you don’t have to translate words in your mind, speaking in English will be much more effortless!

3. Join a Facebook group or Twitter community of things you like

Are you into gaming?

Perhaps you’re into Marvel or DC comics?

Maybe k-pop?

Then, go look up Facebook groups or Twitter accounts for your interests! I guarantee you’ll be able to find a group or a community of something you like. I am sure no one in these communities speaks formal English.

What’s more, communities like these sometimes have a dedicated movie night where you can watch a movie together virtually and talk about it after! That’s a great way to improve your conversational English!

You can talk about your hobbies and interests while learning English!

4. Watch English speaking YouTubers!

There are so many great YouTubers out there talking about lots and lots of different genres, so, find your favourite one!

You can imitate the YouTuber as they talk, and find out the meaning of slang you come across. You can use the LLRC technique to get the full benefit of not only learning new vocabulary and slang but also improve your pronunciation

Listen: start by listening to the sentence

Repeat: pause the audio and repeat the sentence

Record: record yourself as you repeat the sentence

Compare: compare your voice recording with the original audio and note where you can improve.

Once you’ve nailed the sentence, repeat it a couple of times to get yourself used to speak in English correctly. If you do this diligently, you’ll be able to speak fluently in no time!

5. Join a conversation course

This is also a great way to fast-track your conversational English learning journey. The more you hear spoken English, the quicker you’ll be able to pick up how it is used in casual settings. You can also practice with your tutor and classmates. A good course will also provide you with personalized feedback and teach you exactly how you can improve. You will also understand the nuances behind spoken English in more depth.

Pssst… we can help you with your conversational English so come join us ;)

6. Keep a vocabulary journal

Alright, let’s talk about a super nifty trick that’s as simple as it is effective – keeping a vocabulary journal. Now, you might be thinking, “A journal? Really?” But hear me out first!

Picture this: You come across a cool new word or a snazzy phrase while reading an article, watching a show, or even in the middle of a conversation. What do you do? Let it slip into the abyss of forgotten vocabulary? No way! You whip out your vocabulary journal and jot it down. It’s like capturing a Pokémon – you’ve got to catch ’em all!

But here’s where the magic really happens. It’s not just about collecting words like stamps; it’s about bringing them to life. Challenge yourself to use these new finds in your conversations. It’s like flexing your muscles at the gym, but instead, you’re flexing your brain with new words. And the result? Your English becomes richer, more vibrant, and your conversations will be more engaging! 

7. Use social media in English 

Now, let’s dive into something we all love a little too much – social media. But guess what? Your daily scroll, like or share can actually turbocharge your English skills. That’s right, using social media in English is like hitting two birds with one stone – staying connected and learning at the same time!

Ever seen a cool post and thought, “I wish I could say something that clever in English”? Well, here’s your chance. Drop a comment, start a conversation, slide into those DMs (politely, of course). It’s like practicing English in the real world but from the comfort of your phone or laptop. Plus, the beauty of social media is the instant feedback. Post a comment and get a reply – it’s instant validation (or a quick lesson) on your English use!

And let’s talk about the diversity of language on social media. It’s not just textbook English; it’s real, it’s raw, and it’s full of slang, idioms, and all the colorful bits of the language. By engaging with native speakers and diverse content, you get to experience the language in all its glory, the way it’s spoken on the streets, in cafes, or at work.

So, here’s your action plan: Start following English-speaking influencers, join groups or pages that interest you, and get involved. Whether it’s a funny meme or a heated debate, every interaction is a step towards better English. And the best part? You can do it all in your PJs, on your couch, with zero judgment! ;) 

8. Practice storytelling

You’ve got a bunch of stories, right? 

That hilarious thing that happened last week, the heartwarming tale of your childhood pet, or even that epic fail at cooking…  Now, picture telling these stories in English. It’s not just chit-chat; it’s an art. You’re painting pictures with words, setting scenes, building characters, all in a language you’re learning. It’s challenging, sure, but oh boy, is it rewarding!

But why storytelling, you ask? Here’s the deal: when you narrate a story, you’re not just stringing sentences together. You’re diving deep into the language. You’re playing with phrases, experimenting with pacing, and getting cozy with adjectives and adverbs. And let’s not forget the emotions – the surprise, the suspense, the joy. Expressing these in English? That’s where the magic happens!

And it gets better. Storytelling isn’t a solo gig. Share your stories with friends, family, or even in an English class. Watch their reactions, get their feedback, and engage in a back-and-forth. It’s a two-way street that boosts your confidence and hones your conversational skills, all while having a blast!

So here’s what you do: start simple. Narrate your day, describe a movie you watched, or retell a funny incident. The key? Do it regularly. Make it a habit!

9. Use English in daily task

Let’s talk about something we all do, day in, day out – those mundane, everyday tasks.But now, let’s integrate English into these tasks!

Think about it. You’re making a shopping list. Why not do it in English? ‘Apples, bread, milk…’ See? You’re already practicing! It might seem small, but it’s actually a big deal. You’re not just memorizing words; you’re using them in real-life contexts!

Setting reminders in English? Yep, that’s another trick. ‘Dentist appointment at 3 PM’ or ‘Call Mom for her birthday.’ Simple, everyday reminders in English can help you get more comfortable with the language. Plus, it’s a great way to make sure you don’t forget anything important!

But why stop there? Get creative with it. Cooking? Follow an English recipe. Doing laundry? Label your sorting bins in English. The possibilities are endless. The point is, by incorporating English into these small, daily tasks, you’re turning your entire day into an immersive English lesson.

So, here’s the bottom line: Don’t wait for an English class or a study session to practice the language. Your everyday life is brimming with opportunities to learn and improve. It’s about making English a part of your daily life, so it becomes as natural as breathing!

10. Volunteer with English-speaking organizations’

How about merging the world of learning English with doing some good in the world? Sounds like a plan, right? That’s exactly what you get when you volunteer with English-speaking organizations. It’s not just about polishing your English skills; it’s about making a difference, and let me tell you, it feels fantastic!

Imagine this: You’re helping out at a local charity, an international NGO, or even a virtual event, and the common language is English. It’s like being thrown into the deep end, but in the best way possible. You’re communicating, coordinating, and maybe even leading, all in English. It’s real-life practice that textbooks just can’t match!

But here’s the real kicker – the people you meet. Volunteering is like opening a door to a room full of diverse, interesting folks who all speak English. These are connections that go beyond just language practice. They’re potential friends, mentors, and even future colleagues. Every conversation, every interaction is a chance to learn, not just about the language, but about cultures, ideas, and perspectives.

And let’s not forget the confidence boost. When you volunteer, you’re stepping out of your comfort zone. You’re solving problems, making decisions, and expressing your ideas, all in English!


Remember that improving your conversational English is a journey filled with exciting opportunities and creative methods. Whether it’s chatting with a buddy, diving into social media, volunteering, or jotting down thoughts in a journal, each step is a leap towards fluency!

Embrace these different approaches and find joy in the process. With each new word, phrase, and conversation, you’re not just learning a language; you’re unlocking a world of connections and experiences. So keep talking, keep exploring, and watch as the world of English opens up to you, one conversation at a time!


In this article, we’ve shared ways you can improve your conversational English. We recommend doing all the tips in conjunction so you can improve your conversational English quickly. We hope you find it useful!

Do you want to speak English with confidence?

Most people lack confidence when they speak English. They are afraid to make mistakes and are embarrassed to speak in front of others.

This is because they have been taught English the wrong way!

Most English courses waste your time and money on useless exercises that don’t bring results. Even worse, they teach you bad habits that are very difficult to unlearn.

As a result, you become confused and lack confidence. This is wrong!

At IELC, we teach English the right way

Our goal is to get you speaking in English with fluency and confidence as fast as possible. We want to give you the skills you need to fulfil your potential!

Our experienced teachers will guide you along every step of the learning process to ensure that you are not wasting your time, money, and energy on useless language exercises & wrong methods.

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No matter what your goals are, our team will help you achieve these goals by providing you with Indonesia’s best English courses!

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Anthony McCormick,

IELC Managing Director