Glosarium Gen Z: Menguraikan Bahasa Gaul Gen Z
Welcome back, Learners!
Hari ini, kita akan membahas tentang bahasa gaul Gen Z!
Generasi Z, yang lahir pada akhir 1990-an hingga awal 2010-an, memiliki bahasa gaul yang unik. Terinspirasi oleh internet, media sosial, dan pertukaran budaya yang cepat, bahasa gaul Gen Z ini dinamis, sering lucu, dan kadang-kadang sulit dipahami oleh generasi yang lebih tua.
Bahasa gaul Gen Z ini memiliki beberapa karakter umum, antara lain:
- Abbreviations and Acronyms:
Contoh-contoh seperti “TBH” (to be honest), “IDC” (I don’t care), dan “SMH” (shaking my head) digunakan untuk menyederhanakan percakapan di platform-platform media sosial.
- Neologisms:
Kata-kata baru seperti “yeet” (teriakan kegembiraan atau untuk melempar sesuatu dengan keras) atau “simp” (seseorang yang melakukan terlalu banyak hal untuk seseorang yang mereka sukai) sering kali muncul dan dipopulerkan di platform media sosial.
- Reclaimed Terms:
Kata-kata yang dulunya memiliki makna negatif, seperti “slay” yang awalnya berarti membunuh dengan cara kekerasan, kini digunakan untuk menunjukkan melakukan sesuatu dengan sangat baik, terutama dalam mode dan pertunjukan.
- Memes and Internet Culture:
Banyak istilah slang berasal dari atau dipopulerkan oleh meme, seperti “sus” (suspicious) dari permainan Among Us, yang menunjukkan ketidakpercayaan atau kecurigaan terhadap seseorang atau situasi.
Dampak Slang Gen Z pada Komunikasi sangat signifikan dan memiliki banyak sisi:
- Identitas dan Keanggotaan Kelompok:
Slang membantu Gen Z membentuk rasa identitas dan keanggotaan yang kuat. Penggunaan kosakata yang sama memperkuat ikatan sosial dan menciptakan rasa komunitas. Ini membedakan mereka yang ada di dalam kelompok (yang mengerti slang) dari mereka yang tidak.
- Efisiensi dan Kepatutan:
Banyak istilah slang dirancang untuk menyampaikan ide-ide kompleks dengan cepat dan efisien, sesuai dengan preferensi Gen Z untuk komunikasi digital yang cepat. Contohnya, istilah seperti “ghosting” dengan singkatnya menggambarkan perilaku sosial, meningkatkan efisiensi komunikasi.
- Literasi Budaya dan Kekeluwesan:
Slang Gen Z mencerminkan tingkat literasi budaya yang tinggi, mengambil inspirasi dari berbagai sumber seperti bahasa-bahasa berbeda, subkultur internet, dan media populer. Keanekaragaman bahasa ini mencerminkan nilai-nilai inklusivitas dan keterhubungan global mereka.
- Kreativitas dan Evolusi Bahasa:
Slang merangsang kreativitas linguistik dan mendorong evolusi bahasa. Gen Z menunjukkan kreativitas dengan mengubah kata kerja menjadi kata benda, menggunakan kembali frasa lama, atau menciptakan istilah baru berdasarkan tren saat ini.
- Literasi Digital:
Memahami dan menggunakan slang membutuhkan literasi digital, karena banyak istilah berasal dan menyebar secara online. Keahlian Gen Z dalam menggunakan alat dan platform digital tercermin dalam penggunaan slang dalam komunikasi digital mereka.
Secara keseluruhan, slang Gen Z tidak hanya memfasilitasi komunikasi tetapi juga berfungsi sebagai penanda budaya, memperlihatkan kefasihan digital mereka, kreativitas, dan pandangan dunia yang inklusif.
Contoh bahasa gaul Gen Z:
- Ate – Exceptionally well, particularly in performance or fashion.
“She absolutely ate that dance routine, nobody could look away.”
- Bet – Agreement or affirmation.
“You’re coming to the party tonight?” “Bet, I wouldn’t miss it!”
- Bop – A very good song.
“This new song is such a bop, I’ve had it on repeat all day!”
- Cancelled – Disapproval leading to social exclusion.
“After those offensive tweets, that celebrity is totally canceled.”
- Cap/No Cap – “Cap” means lying, while “No Cap” means telling the truth.
“He said he met a celebrity last night—sounds like cap to me.”
- Clout – Influence or fame, especially on social media.
“She’s only dating him for the clout on social media.”
- Cringe – Second-hand embarrassment or something very awkward.
“I watched my old YouTube videos, and they’re so cringe.”
- Delulu – Shortened from “delusional,” this term is used to describe someone who is out of touch with reality or has unrealistic expectations or beliefs.
“She thinks that canceled show is coming back next year? She’s delulu.”
- Drip – Very stylish appearance or great fashion sense.
“Check out his outfit; that drip is impressive!”
- Extra – Over the top, usually in behavior or style.
“She brought a gourmet lunch to a casual picnic—so extra.”
- Flex – To show off.
“Showing off your new car on Instagram is such a flex.”
- Ghosting – Cutting off communication with someone without warning.
“I thought our date went well, but then she ghosted me.”
- Glow up – An incredible transformation.
“He had a major glow up after high school.”
- Ick – A feeling of sudden disgust or turned off, especially in romantic contexts.
“He chewed with his mouth open, and I got the ick.”
- It’s the X for me – A way to point out a particular characteristic, often humorously.
“It’s the way you sing off-key for me.”
- Karen – A stereotype of an entitled, often middle-aged woman.
“She demanded to speak to the manager, total Karen move.”
- L – stands for “loss” and is used to signify a failure, defeat, or something negative.
“Took an L on that math test, need to study more next time.”
- Lit – Amazing, exciting, or fun.
“This party is lit, I’m glad we came.”
- Mood – Something that is relatable or captures one’s current feelings.
“Just sitting here drinking coffee in silence is such a mood.”
- Noob – A newcomer or someone inexperienced, often in gaming.
“I just started playing, so I’m still a noob at this game.”
- OK, boomer – A retort to outdated, typically conservative views.
“You think I should just buy a house with the money I don’t have? OK, boomer.”
- Periodt – A way to end a statement with emphasis, indicating there’s no counter-argument.
“I said what I said, periodt.”
- Receipts – Proof or evidence of something, often screenshots in a digital context.
“She said she wasn’t there, but I have the receipts to prove she was.”
- Rizz – a shorthand for “charisma,” specifically referring to someone’s ability to attract or charm others romantically
“She really used her rizz to get his number.”
- Salty – Being upset or bitter.
“He’s salty because I beat him in the game last night.”
- Serve – To “serve” or “serve a look” means to present oneself impressively, especially in terms of fashion or attitude.
“She walked in serving a total fashion moment with that outfit.”
- Simp – Someone who is overly deferential or attentive to someone they like.
“He’s such a simp for her, buying gifts all the time.”
- Stan – An ardent and devoted fan, often of a celebrity.
“I stan this band so hard, I’ve been to all their concerts.”
- Tea – Gossip, juicy news, or truth.
“Spill the tea, what happened at the party last night?”
- W – stands for “win” and is used to indicate success, approval, or something positive.
“Finally got a job offer after months of searching, that’s a big W!”